November 29, 2006
Trying to break free from .NET?
Luckymonk escaped their .NET entanglement and found Ruby on Rails, but they still have to live in a Windows world. Now they’re putting on a workshop teaching you how to...
November 29, 2006
Amazon goes Ruby on Rails
Never thought you’d hear that, eh? But that’s exactly what is. A Rails application sitting on the domain. Adam Selipsky from Amazon Web Services introduces the site with...
November 28, 2006
Agile Web Development with Rails, 2nd Edition
How fitting. Just as we’re wrapping up Rails 1.2, the book that covers it all has gone into print. I’m talking about Agile Web Development with Rails, 2nd Edition, of...
November 26, 2006
Rails 1.2 RC1: New in Active Support
The following are some of the smaller, but notable features added to Rails 1.2 ActiveSupport since the Rails 1.1 release. (compiled by Joshua Sierles). Module#unloadable marks constants that require unloading...
November 26, 2006
Rails 1.2 RC1: New in Action Pack
With all respect to the reporter from the Edge, here are a few tasty bits from ActionPack in Rails 1.2 (CHANGELOG). (compiled by Geoffrey Grosenbach). <h1>Views</h1> <p>You can now access...
November 26, 2006
Rails 1.2 RC1: New in ActiveRecord
Here are some of the smaller yet notable features in the Rails 1.2 release of ActiveRecord made since the 1.1 release. (compiled by Josh Susser). Finding Added simple hash conditions...
November 23, 2006
Rails 1.2: Release Candidate 1
It’s been almost eight months since the last major release of Rails introduced RJS, respond_to, eager loading, and much more. It’s about time we introduced the latest batch of big...
November 15, 2006
The Rails Way on premature extraction
Koz and Jamis has posted their first article on The Rails Way covering premature extraction. It’s a great way to start off the show of Rails learnings. Since it’s so...
November 15, 2006
Interview with David from Canada on Rails
Better late than never, the InfoQ team has finally released an interview done with yours truly back in April at Canada on Rails. It includes questions like “How long until...
November 13, 2006
Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce
Christian Hellsten and Jarkko Laine’s new book has hit the shelves: Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce. Their pitch: Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional is the first...