April 28, 2006
Associations aren't :dependent => true anymore
Up until the 1.1 release, the way to automatically destroy has_many associations when the owner was itself destroyed was to either use the :dependent or :exclusively_dependent option when declaring the...
April 26, 2006
Give a Rails demo at Reboot 8 in Copenhagen
Reboot 8 is happening on June 1st and 2nd in Copenhagen and the conference is looking for a handful of cool demos to play part in the conference. The organizers...
April 26, 2006
New in Rails: Module#alias_method_chain
Though not an outward facing feature, changeset 4276 introduces a nice method to DRY up and encapsulate the common pattern of aliasing a method so that you can build behavior...
April 26, 2006
In the works: Rails In a Nutshell
Jeremy Voorhis of PLANET ARGON has announced that he has signed on to write Rails In a Nutshell for O’Reilly Media. You can get more details and signup to be...
April 25, 2006
Finding programmers and designers for Rails projects
The Signal vs Noise Job Board is a new alternative for finding good programmers and designers to work on Rails projects (among other things). It puts your job pitch in...
April 25, 2006
Use params, not @params
I still frequently see people in the #rubyonrails channel using @params in their code. For a while now @params has been deprecated in favor of simply params. For those who...
April 21, 2006
EastMedia jumps into the Rails training arena
Matt Pelletier’s EastMedia, a Rails-centric firm out of New York City, has announced that they are offering two Rails classes in the near future. The first is a one day...
April 21, 2006
habtm vs has_many :through
Of late the ActiveRecord association code has been getting a lot of love. One of the high profile additions are polymorphic associations which turned into one of the big features...
April 20, 2006
Jobster looking for lots of Rails developers
Jobster is buying into Rails big time. Over the next few months they are looking to hire no fewer than 10 developers. Those over in the Getting Real camp may...
April 20, 2006
Fluxiom has launched
The wait is over for the next killer Rails application. Fluxiom has launched! Digital asset management just got a lot sexier. You may have seen its demo video which has...