Happy New Year! Welcome to the first 2016 issue of This week in Rails. I’m Andy, and before diving in to contributions from this week, let’s briefly recap some stats...
I hear you’re looking for a pilot. Name’s Todd Solo, captain of This Week in Rails. She may not look like much, but this bucket of bolts did the Kessel...
Rails 5.0! Can you believe it? We only just celebrated the tenth anniversary of Rails 1.0 a few days ago. Time flies when you’re having fun with good friends, and...
Hello everyone! 🌨 This is Vipul, bringing you the latest from Rails. P.S: Here’s something for all those at RubyKaigi 🍣. Enjoy! Featured This Week’s Rails Contributors This week 26...
Hello everyone! This is Marcel, bringing you the latest news in Rails. Featured This Week’s Rails Contributors This week 28 fabulous people contributed to Rails. Check out the list of...
Hello everyone! This is Godfrey, bringing you the latest news deals in Rails. Have you been holding out on getting the latest copy of Rails? Don’t wait any longer as...
Hi everyone! This is Godfrey bringing you the latest news from Rails. Featured RailsConf 2016 The RailsConf 2016 website is up! This year, we will be gathering in Kansas City...
Hey everyone - Tim here with another monster update with all the exciting Rails-related goings-on from this week. Featured Riding Rails: Snappier Development Mode in Rails 5 One of the...
Hi everyone, I am happy to announce that Rails 4.2.5 and 4.1.14 have been released. No regressions were found so these releases include the same changes that the last release...
In Rails 5 development mode is going to be a tad snappier for large code bases. As you know, when a request comes in Rails reloads1 applications in development mode2...